Оооо! Today I wish to share with you fine news! To me have handed over the first in life Award! Thanks huge A-liya for this magic moment... Thanks big, my dear!
Please, look, as it is good...
Please, look, as it is good...
I very much love the greater family... In it I shall not be original...
I love the small southern city located on coast of the warm sea and the huge country Russia...
I very much love flowers... All flowers..
I adore to receive gifts and to give them...
Whether I love surprises? Оооо..., yes.....! But, only pleasant surprises... Let them will be more in our life...
I very much love old comedies...
Оооо... I so love all much... And items should be only 7... Certainly, I love you... Everyone who comes to me on a visit!
So, seven person which works very much like me and to which I wish to transfer Award...

4 комментария:
Привет, красотуля! благодарю тебя за награду! Очень и очень приятно!
Спасибо за награду и прекрасные наборчики (особенно последний с розами вообще отпад!)
Привет, радость!!! Большушее спасибо за награду и за твоё творчество!!!
Очень красивые работы!!!)))))
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