И еще один подарок для вас - скрап-набор под названием "Мои сладкие детки". С его помощью вы сможете оформить фотографии для маленьких мальчиков и девочек...
And one more gift for you - a skrap-set under the name "My sweet children". With its help you can issue photos for little boys and girls...

13 комментариев:
This is really a cute kit. I will have lots of uses for this. Thank you
Your "My Sweet Children" kit is ADORABLE!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you very much for sharing your creations with this beautiful Baby Girl/Boy kit!! The elements are very sweet!!
Thank You very much for sharing your creations with this adorable little baby kit!!
Every time I try to download this it says file is either corrupt or invalid. Please help me I would really love to have this. Thank you.
Greetings! Thanks you big for kind words! To me it is very pleasant!
Yesterday we had problems with work 4shared, therefore you could not take this file! Today all is good! Please, try once again and write to me!
Yours faithfully, Albina.
It still won't let me download it. It says file is either corrupt or invalid. Please help me I would really love to have this. Thank you. Is there another way I can get it?
Please, try this reference! Thanks big!
http: // fileget.ru/8936545
I am so exicted. I finally got it. I used the link http://fileget.ru/8936545 thank you so much for all your help.
Thank you very much for sharing for this adorable baby kit. Bye.
Чудесный скрапик! Спасибо огромное!
Спасибо за набор! Очень мило! Давно его скачала и оформила фотографии!
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